Condensate Water Treatment
Condensate Water Treatment
Condensate water, coming from the flue gas, is strongly treated in very efficient units.
The heavy metals content in clean condensate is very low and the condensate treatment units are designed to reach a final quality till reuse of condensate as boiler feed water or feed water in district heating systems.
Make-up water of the flue gas cleaning (quenching water, droplets separator cleaning…) is also ensured by the condensates.
The typical main steps of a condensate water unit are particle filtration, ultra filtration and reverse osmosis.
Waste Water Treatment
Water Treatment units are offered to treat bleeds from GraniLAB™ scrubbers.
All the residues undergo intense acid leaching in the scrubber acid loop.
The heavy metals which can be mobilized are stabilized and the deconcentration bleed is then filtered in an acid medium, in order to recover a stabilized residue.
The filtrate is then heated to precipitate the heavy metals and filtered to obtain a cake.
Clear water is finally treated in sand and carbon filters to eliminate final traces of certain heavy metals.